Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hasn't been very active recently, having a phone seem meaningless when you have no one to text.

One week past, things still seemed unchanged.

Feel so lost whenever someone asked about you.

-What's really happening?
-Why aren't you two chatting anymore?
-Why are you two behaving like strangers at this moment?

Why? Why? Why? So many question asked.

Happy moments? Forever?

Where is it now? I really don't know.

Can it be found once again? I really hope so.

Went back to school last Saturday, afraid I would bump into you. Than I realised it was a full day practice instead of half day. Went to the canteen and i saw you, don't really know how I should feel at that point of time though.

But still feel so happy that I managed to see you.

Hence, all we can do in life is just try to be positive, for our own sake and not for other instead.
Don't expect too much, sometimes it will only lead to disappointment.

Much misses.

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