Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Insomnia & Anxiety acting out?

Sleepless night since last Thursday night? Waking up 2 to 3 times every single night? What's going on. This is seriously killing me, I swear.

I'm really really exhausted already. Give me a break from all these shits please.

I guess this is really a platform for me to rant my anger? Still having trust issues since x10000000 years ago hahahahah.

Are there really true friends around in this world? I really wonder. Are they just being your friend for the sake of it so that they can make use of you?

Should I really listen and open up to people again? Can i trust you? Will i regret it once again? Most probably YES huh.


So many things happen lately, many things running in my mind, feeling so tired of it. Will someone come and save me from this misery? NAH.

Coming to this age, mum seems to be worried for me more than i worry for myself for being single hahaha. Are there really no faithful and non-playboy guys out there?

It's getting harder and harder man, this is just life right.

"Dont live to please others, Don't live life with regrets". I think I am doing all those right now.

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