Arghs this is driving me nuts like seriously.
It feels like I have someone I trust, someone that I can talk to, about my feelings and any issues I'm facing. But whenever we get to meet, I tend to not voice out at all. Like why? The presence just comforts me? I don't know either.
Always end up over thinking once I get home, can I just stay away from home instead? Nah, obviously not.
Home is supposed to be a place to let you be at ease right? But sometimes, I just feel more stressed when I'm home instead. Contradicting.
Possible solutions to ease the "pain":
1. Crying
Even though it's not a good solution, I admit it's pretty stupid, but crying does help me to relax, letting out all the feelings at once, gets tired and just sleep well after that. Cons, thinking about the same issue again the next day.
2. Hugs
"We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth." -Virginia Satir
The healing power of hugs are mysterious yet addictive, hugs are like drugs, it's really addictive and it comforts me, for some reason. Doesn't it feels good to receive hugs sporadically??
Love the feeling of being hugged and hugging someone I'm comfortable with. I mean, is there anyone out there who doesn't like hugs? Not saying I'm getting any hugs, but it's just that hugs is definitely a good choice to relieve stress or any thing.
Is this really still a useful platform for me to voice out my concerns? I don't know anymore. Maybe it's still the same as before yeah?
I really hate the feeling of being so occupied with so many shits in the head, but I just can't figure out what exactly are the issues that causing me to be so emotional? Or so affected by it.
Sometimes, I wished I'm someone with no feelings.